Click Yes to change Word’s default spelling and grammar checking language to the language you selected. Microsoft visio software for mac free download. Select the new language to use and click the Default button. The Language dialog opens, and you see a list of languages. To set and make sure that the style of the default font in Word 2010 or Word 2013 is retained or saved, follow these steps: If you do not have a document open.
When you set a font as the default font in Microsoft Office Word 2010 and Word 2013, and you then restart Word, the changes are not retained. On the Format menu, click on Font Select the options you want to change, such as the Font, Font style, and Size. The default font will be updated based on your new options. Close Microsoft Word 2013/2016 for Windows and relaunch the application.You can change Word’s default language dictionary: The default dictionary determines which language’s proofing tools Word uses for spelling and grammar. Word 2011 for Mac comes with foreign-language dictionaries such as Czech, French, Russian, and more. With Office 2011 for Mac, you can check spelling and grammar in languages other than English. How To Set Default Font In Word 2016 Mac.